Rally Team 409 supporting RAM
We are racing!
So now we are embraced by our Rally team and sporting Ram’s logo on their vehicle. Our first exposure was in May 2016 in a Toyota Ceres Rally. Thanks to Team 409! Your support is awesome!
They are coming to support our Montagu kids next Saturday. So you will see our car. We will let the kiddies have photos taken by the car.
Update 5 June 2016 – We want to thank Team 409 for representing Ram at Rallys. They put down boxes for food collections. With winter on hand, we are needing dry soup ingredients / veg & especially meats for big pots of stews/curry. So too any food for food parcels. We like to cook a ready meal for our delivery days to give folk something warm with their parcels. Most still cook on fires, so a hot ready meal is always welcome. We are hoping to get to do this monthly. All help most appreciated.
Well done Team 409 with your race yesterday.
Message of Julian Calvert on Facebook
Hi all
As mentioned in the write up of the Toyota Ceres Rally, 14 May 2016. We at Team 409 have taken it upon ourselves to try to assist and promote RAM – Rescue Among Many Charity Projects. As much of the charity organizations, churches, government organization and NPOs we know of focus much of their work and projects to assist the communities in and around our towns and cities.
This results in very little being done for the communities in rural areas out of our towns and cities.
This is where RAM – Rescue Among Many Charity Projects comes in: RAM – Rescue Among Many Charity Projects is an organization that focuses all its efforts on assisting those communities in those far reaching places in rural areas. Where you find the same issues and in some cases even much worse conditions than you would find in and around our towns and cities.
That is also why as Team 409, we have taken it upon ourselves to try to assist and promote RAM – Rescue Among Many Charity Projects, as our sport is normally run in those far reaching places in rural areas. Where all of us as competitors, marshals, officials, organisers, clubs and supporters normally go out for the day for the enjoyment of our sport. But we do not realize and normally see the hardship and the conditions in which those communities live in day to day.
RAM – Rescue Among Many Charity Projects would appreciate your assistance with regards to donations of funding, all types of food for the making up of food parcels, clothing, odd kitchenware, blankets, etc. Basically any other items you may have in and around your home or place of business that you are no longer using that can be used by some one less fortunate. With winter at hand RAM – Rescue Among Many Charity Projects is currently looking for soup ingredients to provide the less fortunate with a warm meal.
RAM – Rescue Among Many Charity Projects is an organization that supports children, the elderly and animal shelters in Rural Areas. So please have a look, check out and like the RAM – Rescue Among Many Charity Projects Facebook page and please try to assist where you can.
God Bless you all!!!
#Team 409, Rallying is a TEAM EFFORT