How you can make a donation

Our direct banking details:

RAM Charity Projects
First National Bank
Business Cheque Account
Acc nr: 6255 289 5785
Branch: Canal Walk
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ

Note: If you donated via EFT – please email us more details so we know where the money came from and what it is intended for.


PayPal (Pay in US Dollars or other currencies)



PayFast (Pay in South African Rand)





You can donate to us via Snapscan using the QR code below:

Support the RAM project on backabuddy:

Support the RAM project on globalgiving:

You can also make a contribution to us via givengain:


Please help us with our various projects and causes or click here if you would like to be part of our mailing list. Remember to mention which cause is closest to your heart.