Ellen Pakkies Women’s Day 2019

Montagu is also plagued by social ills like gender based violence, bullying and drug abuse, like many other parts of our country. To try and change mindsets and create a dialogue around these issues, RAM in association with 1000 Women 1 Voice decided to make a day of it, and screen the movie based on Ellen Pakkies’ life story, combined with a talk by Ellen Pakkies herself to bring awareness and to open the conversation about these issues. There were discreet counselling services on site and other spoils to make the day a success.

We are so thankful to our glorious God for blessing this event. Seldom ever seen in Montagu, as the movie started to play, Olin told me to look and see the amazing rainbow gracing the sky outside. What a start to what we know was a huge success of an event. Given that we had started later than planned, God’s timing is always right – divine intervention.

Thank you 1000 Women 1 Voice, Tina Thiart, Ellen Pakkies, and Caroline Peters – what a team we were.

Assisted by an amazing team with Mareletta Van Zyl Mundey, the staff of Montagu-Ashton Tourism Association, and Olin Kiewietz & Dorisca M. Kiewietz .

A blessing filled day it was with so many sponsors to make this day possible.

Thank you for the venue, the Ophelia Hall, and Langerberg Municipality without the space, this event would not have been possible.

To cater for our guests, we supplied 500 cold meat sandwiches, dozens of muffins, and 4 humongous pots of soup, as well as  the Shoprite food truck that was made accessible to us – thank you.

Many tears were seen, many truths were told, and many lives affected.

The RAM team and Ellen Pakkies were graciously hosted again by the Montagu Country Hotel, such a huge spoil for us.

God is good.

Lingelihle Old Age Home Visit

Following the events of the previous day, RAM went on to Lingelihle Old Age Home in Ashton to hand out beautiful pairs of shoes from homechoice.

We received an urgent request for 100 Lt of soup and 30 loaves of bread. Not a problem – soup was made and ready to pack by 10 P.M. we stacked an extra 500 tins of soup to add to the 2000 cups needed.

Thank you to Deon Smit for collecting and delivering the soup.

“Where there is a will…nothing will stop you.”
God provides renewed strength.